You Are Shopping With: Feisty Fun of Cortez, Colorado | ID: 534

Creature Cocks – Alien


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Xenox – You hear a buzz in the distance. As you look around, it seems like there’s nothing but the open fields of tall grasses. It’s sunset and it should be quiet, but the humming sound grows louder, and louder, until you can barely hear yourself think! You look up and you can even feel the sound of the humming inside your body from feet away as a giant bee-like wasp hover above you! It zooms down and pins you to the ground. You scream, writhing and try to escape. The giant bug eyes hold hundreds of reflections of your face and body. As you struggle you notice that it gets harder and harder to move. A sticky, yellow pollen covers your body and sticks you to the ground like glue. Then the abdomen of the alien wasp starts to thrust. It parts your legs and a hard, shining rod extends… It finds your clothes and rips them open with its little pincers. Then the rod starts to get wet, secreting an oozing goo. You yell out for help but no one hears you. With a jerking movement, the wasp thrusts into you and fills you up, pollinating you with its seed!

Specifications: Insertable Length: 19.00″; Weight: 1.08lbs; Length: 3.74″; Width: 3.74″; Height: 8.58″

Alienoid – Thick ropes tie your wrists and ankles, spreading you wide for inspection. The creature in front of you looks like a photo from the Hubble telescope, its entire body a swirling vortex of stars and deep space. You can see its shape but not its face; that it is covered with a thick, silver mask. It inspects you, its wide, bright eyes eager to see every inch of your bare, naked body. You squirm and try to pull against the restraints, your body taut and strained. You give up with a cry of despair, collapsing on the table. It seems to notice something interesting between your thighs and takes a starry finger and rubs your lips before slipping it in. You gasp, moaning in involuntary pleasure as it somehow finds exactly where your pleasure button is. It pulls back in surprise, but then its eyes narrow and it brings its face down. You panic, not knowing what to do or feel. Then, it lifts its head and takes the mask off. You stare, wide-eyed in disbelief, as you see a giant rod dangling between its eyes in the middle of its face. It hid this giant cosmic dong behind a silver sheath, and now it is clear that it has found a wet and slippery place to put it! It brings its head down and buries its shaft to the hilt. You scream in terror, but the screams turn to moans as you give in to the pleasure you wish you could deny… but the feeling is too good! You ride its face as it gurgles an alien language and drinks up every drop of your juices!’

Specifications: Insertable Length: 6.69″; Weight: 1.26lbs;Length: 4.02″; Width: 3.15″; Height: 8.78

Shape Shifter Alien – They always appear normal at first, camouflaging themselves in whatever skin the species they are around wears. They appeared to you as human, but there was something off about them; it was the eyes, they were unnaturally yellow-gold and caught the light like a nocturnal animal. By the time you noticed, it was already too late. They’d asked you for a long stroll in the brisk night air and you both strolled through a local garden just outside the party where you’d met. It was risqué, of course, to be outside at night with a strange man. You felt a hunger that intoxicated you… or was it the wine? As the shadows fell over you both, you started to feel uneasy. Was it the dim light or did this fellow’s shape change? You convinced yourself you’d had too much to drink and that there was no way you could possibly be seeing a… monster. But as you asked to return to the party, he pulled you into the dark and covered your mouth before you could scream! His shape changed before you! He was part lizard and lion, part animal and man, and multiple beasts erupted from his ever-changing and morphing skin! Beneath his cloak was a writhing, multi-colored shaft and as he pushed you against the nearest vine-covered cement wall your fear turned into ecstasy as his very shaft began to writhe and change inside of you, fitting every shape and curve in ways you’d never felt before!

Specifications: Insertable Length: 6.60″; Weight: 0.87lbs; Length: 3.03″; Width: 3.03″;Height: 7.99″

Denogorgon – You’ve fallen up to the upside-down world of nightmares and forgotten dreams. The darkness envelops you, the cold sets in. Dust and ash float in the air signaling the doom and destruction of your world… If only you could conquer and defeat all of the creatures here before they creep into your realm! Before you tried fire, weapons and evasive tactics. Your team has a different plan, one that involves becoming stronger by gathering the DNA of these monsters and mixing it with humans. Hybrids are what your superiors, mad scientists with military clearance, want to create. You split up into twos and stealthily search for smaller monsters. You hear a blood curdling shriek and head towards it. About 100 yards away you see it; a demogorgon on its own. It isn’t too big to take on, so you start towards it, your partner circling around to flank it. You whisper in your headset, “Got it in my sights. Go ahead and stun it when you can.” You hear the sharp sound of the powerful tranquilizer piercing skin and the shriek of the demogorgon again. It starts running towards you, you’re ready to fight, but then it staggers and falls. You approach it and, for good measure, take a taser and electrify it to make sure it won’t get up. Then you search for its body. “Ah yes, there it is.” You see that these monsters are humanoids after all. There’s a long shaft between its legs and all you have to do is extract its seeds. “Watch my six”, you tell your partner, so they keep an eye out as you do your job. You wore very little below the belt to make this easy, and part your clothing so that your nakedness is bare to the elements. You start to work your magic on the shaft and sure enough it begins to throb. It looks so strange, and you hope you can make it work without a fight. Then you lube up, straddle it, and begin to ride! The feeling is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before and you find yourself moaning as the wide flare of the tip rubs against your sensitive nerves, heating you up and making you drip with wetness. The body of the demogorgon begins to twitch and your partner readies their gun, aimed for its head in case it does anything that looks like it is feeling awake enough to attack. Finally, your back arches as you feel the spilling of seed inside you, filling you up. You sit, panting, clenching your muscles to gather it all inside. As you rise, you gather the rest of the dripping seed into a vial and run back to the portal.

Specifications: Insertable Length: 20.80″; Weight: 1.14lbs; Length: 3.35″; Width: 3.35″; Height: 8.94″

Galactic Breeder Ovipositor – Day 110 on planet Z-0981. What you thought would be a lonely journey far away from the temptations of the flesh has turned into a wild, indulgent adventure of lust. After finding the caves of the Nymphoids, you were taken swiftly by what you thought were the only sentient beings on this nearly barren planet. They made you their plaything, filling every hole and orifice with eggs that would never take hold in your foreign, human body. You had no idea there were more of them, until today. A beautiful, tall alien with long limbs, tentacles whipping around its body, and a long, shimmering shaft has been introduced to you. You can only assume this alien is from another tribe. It has the same mysterious marking on its shaft, just like the Nymphoid tribe. It pulls you towards its body, its long tongue tasting your skin, exploring you for the first time. Your skin is soft against their cool, dolphin-like flesh. The alien with its large, dark eyes blinks and slides a tentacle between your legs. A Nymphoid makes noises nearby, possibly telling the new alien what it likes to do with you, and the alien turns to you and immediately begins to insert its long, textured shaft inside. You start to tremble, the rush of endorphins making you feel high. Its slippery shaft oozes inside you, the juicy wetness acting like an aphrodisiac. There’s something different his time, you feel your body reacting differently, opening up in a new way as if … to take more than it ever has before! The eggs slip inside of you, filling you until your belly stretches to fit all the ooze, the shaft, and the eggs! The shaft slips out and the eggs and ooze stay inside. Your eyes roll back in your head as your muscles squeeze the eggs, and you roll in waves in ecstasy and you give birth to every one of them!

Specifications: Insertable Length: 8.11″; Weight: 0.82lbs; Length: 3.31″; Width: 3.31″; Height: 8.70″

DON’T FORGET TO ADD YOUR Creature Slime Creature Cum (unscented) (8 oz)  – Want to take your fantasy play to a new level? Aching to get the thick, oozing cum all over one of your Creature Cocks and inside your holes?  This incredibly thick, gooey lube ensures every slick, slippery slide and ride goes beyond your human limitations! This creature jizz is gloriously unscented, perfect for those who want to ride the monster but not smell them. Compatible with all your kinky toys thanks to its water-based formula, you’ll clean up faster than a monster escaping daylight.


  •  Creature Jizz: Fill yourself up with monster loads!
  • Thick and Gooey: This formula is thick, gooey, and oozes out of every hole!
  • Water-Based: Safe to use on any toy and cleans up easily!
  • Unscented: No more offensive monster aroma! This is scent-free. Prepare yourself for the ultimate monster experience with Creature Jizz!



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Xenox, Alienoid, Shape Shifter Alien, Denogorgon, Galactic Breeder Ovipositor, Creature Slime Creature Cum